Taft College Leadership Stands in Solidarity against Racial Violence

Taft College Leadership Stands in Solidarity against Racial Violence

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Dear Taft College students, faculty, staff, and community members,

As an education leader in our region, Taft College joins the critical discourse taking place in this community and across the nation in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd on Memorial Day, May 25, 2020.

We are outraged that Mr. Floyd was brutally killed in Minnesota by a police officer while three other police officers watched. All four officers have now been charged in the crime. As history has shown, this is not an isolated incident against Blacks and people of color in the United States. These senseless acts of racial violence must stop now.

We must all engage widely in the essential conversation about ongoing, systemic racism in our democracy, and the civil unrest it perpetuates. Racial inequities are no longer permissible or excusable in a country that long ago should have internalized the painful lessons of the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery in 1865. In 2020, 155 years later, it is unacceptable that any one of our innocent students, faculty, or staff feels genuinely afraid for their safety and life anywhere in these United States. Discrimination of any kind cannot be tolerated. The responsibility for righting these wrongs lies with each one of us to stand for justice with our fellow citizens who face daily oppression.

At Taft College, we proudly welcome all students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and traditionally marginalized groups, regardless of race, gender identity, and/or sexual orientation. Student equity and success are central to the Taft College Vision and Mission. Our Vision “is to instill a passion for learning, leading to success for all.” Our Mission includes “creating a community of learners by enriching the lives of all students” we serve. Taft College Core Values include Innovation, Diversity, Creativity, and Critical Thinking. Our policies state clearly that “Diversity is a condition of broad inclusion that offers equality and respect for all persons.” These are not just words. At Taft College, all means all.

In addition, Taft College fosters an environment conducive to Learning, Fairness, Dialogue, and Continuous Improvement. To enhance our ongoing Dialogue at the College, for example, we will be adding race and equality forums over the course of this year and next, as CDC guidelines allow, to be able to interact with our students and the community on these critical issues. We will update you when we definitively know more about these forums. Taft College also has resources available for students and staff who may need additional support at this time.

As Juneteenth approaches, and we celebrate the emancipation of African Americans, we invite everyone to participate in this essential conversation and claim their rightful place at the communal table to honor the ongoing work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. whose stirring words align with the Taft College Vision and Mission: “whatever affects one directly affects us all indirectly.”

Respectfully yours,

Dr. Debra Daniels

Brock McMurray
Executive Vice President of Administrative Services

Severo Balason
Vice President of Student Services

Heather del Rosario
Vice President of Human Resources

Dr. Leslie Minor
Vice President of Instruction