Institutional Research, Assessment & Planning | Taft College Institutional Research & Planning
Taft College Institutional Research & Planning.
Research, Institutional research, IR, assessment
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Institutional Research & Planning

The Taft College Institutional Research and Planning Office promotes student success and institutional effectiveness by:

(1) providing to the college community access to accurate, timely and relevant information and associated analysis for decision making;

(2) facilitating the program review process;

(3) supporting strategic planning; and

(4) guiding the accreditation self-evaluation process and other accreditation functions.

The IR&P Office also monitors compliance with accreditation standards, informs the Taft College community of potential deviations from compliance, and acts as liaison between the College and the Accrediting Commission.

The IR&P Office achieves its mission by identifying, collecting, processing, analyzing and reporting by a variety of methods research results and other information essential to program review and planning, institutional strategic planning, policy formulation, resource allocation, assessment results, and institutional effectiveness. In addition, the IR&P Office continuously monitors the college environment and takes action when the College deviates from accreditation standards.

We value integrity in every aspect of IR&P operations: the processes in which we participate, the data we process and analyze, and the reports we produce.

Quick Facts

Fall 2022

FTES: 871
Credit Sections Count: 616
First-Time Student: 1,367
Total Enrollment: 4,043

Data Source: CCCCO Data Mart


Xiaohong Li
Vice President of Information and Institutional Effectiveness
(661) 763-7978

Brandy Young
Executive Assistant, Institutional Effectiveness
(661) 763-7944

Educational Equity Data Specialist