Dental Hygiene I – Constitution

Taft College  >  Campus Life   >  Clubs  >  Dental Hygiene I – Constitution


Section A: Name – The name of this club shall be the Taft College Dental Hygiene Club (TCDHC).

Section B: State Affiliation – “The rules and regulations of the State Constitution shall be followed when not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of California Dental Hygienists’ Association (CDHA).

Section C: Purpose – The purpose of the TCDHC club shall be:

  • To expand the students experience and knowledge of the concepts, theory, and practice of dental hygiene beyond the scope of the classroom and clinic.
  • To participate in community service projects to help the people of our local area.
  • To promote the importance of participation and continuing membership in the CDHA.
  • To attend state and local dental hygiene meetings.
  • To promote student success through active club involvement and leadership.

Section D: Goals – The goals of the TCDHC are:

  • To participate in one service project each semester. These projects sometimes are related to dental hygiene, and sometimes are not (Thanksgiving baskets, toy drive, Relay for Life, etc.).
  • To participate in community events (Taft Christmas Parade etc.).
  • To assist in funding students to attend the annual CDHA HOD/SHOR.
  • To provide students with information on the latest dental research and products through guest speakers.


Section A: Eligibility – Membership shall be open to all dental hygiene students upon payment of the dues as outlined in Section B.

Section B: Dues – Dues will be a $50 2 year student membership to the California Dental Hygienists’ Association (CDHA).


Section A: Officers – There shall be 2 sub-committees, one representing each class.  Each sub-committee will have their own officers for a total of 10 club officers.  All officers are required to purchase an ASO sticker ($30) for the year. The positions are as follows:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Historian

Section B: Eligibility – Officers must be a first or second year dental hygiene student.

Section C: Election – The officers shall be elected at the beginning of the Fall semester by secret ballot

Section D: Term – The officers shall serve for a one year term, and may run for the same position or a different one the following year.

Section E: Vacancy – If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, the position shall be filled by a special election.

Section F: Removal from Office – Removal from office may occur for the failure   to fulfill duties.  A two-thirds vote by the Executive Board is required for removal.


**All duties will be completed by each officer for their respective class activities UNLESS it is a joint event attended by members of each class, in which case the duty will fall on the 2nd year officer.

Section A: President – it shall be the duty of the President to:

  • Preside at member meetings for your respective class
  • Represent the club at campus, community and state activities.
  • Attend monthly interclub council meetings held the 2nd week of each month.
  • Attend Dental Hygiene Advisory Board meetings twice a year (typically March and October)
  • Vote only in case of a tie
  • Complete and submit year-end report of all activities.
  • Appoint committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the officers
  • Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees
  • Create a graduation committee for the purpose of determining a budget and planning class graduation or pinning ceremony for own class (2nd year only)
  • Attend all meetings

Section B: Vice-President – It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

  • Preside in the absence of the President
  • Attend intercouncil/advisory board meetings should the President be unable to.
  • Submit Event Request forms for ALL events by the 15th of the previous month.
  • Complete and submit Student Life Club Event reports to the ASO advisor and DH club advisor within 48 hours following event.
  • Attend all meetings

Section C: Secretary – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  • Record the minutes of all meetings and email to club advisor within 48 hours of meeting.
  • Keep a file of the club’s records
  • Record attendance at all club meetings and events
  • 2nd year secretary will record attendance and submit Student Life Club Event Reports for Executive Committee meetings.
  • Issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club
  • Attend all meetings

Section D: Treasurer – It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

  • Receive all funds and process Check Requests and, Deposit Slips, and submit copies to club advisor
  • Keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed
  • Report account activity and balances at each meeting
  • Attend all meetings

Section E:  Historian – It shall be the duty of the Historian to:

  • Take pictures of class activities throughout the year
  • Compile photos to share/create slideshow for graduation/pinning ceremony
  • Obtain permission (see handbook) for use of photos from classmates



Section A: Meetings The officers from both classes will meet jointly once a month with the club advisor for the executive committee meeting. The officers will then conduct the club member meeting with their respective classes once a month. The date and time shall be decided at the first meeting of each semester.

Section B: Special Meeting – Special meetings may be called by the President.

Section C: Quorum –  A quorum shall consist of 66% (2/3) of the membership for decisions pertaining to finances.  A quorum shall consist of 51% of the membership for all other decisions.

Section D: Parliamentary Authority – Robert’s Rules of Orders, shall govern this club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.



Section A: Responsibility – Management of this club shall be vested in an Executive Committee responsible to the entire membership to uphold these bylaws.

Section B: Membership – This committee shall consist of the officers as listed in Article III and the faculty advisor.

Section C: Meetings – This committee shall meet prior to regular meetings of the club to organize and plan future activities.


Section A: Selection – There shall be a faculty/staff advisor who shall be an employee of the West Kern Community College District.

Section B: Duties – The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be to:

  • Oversee the activities and programs sponsored by the student club.
  • Meet on a regular basis with the executive officers to discuss upcoming meetings, long range plans, goals, and problems of the club.
  • Attend TCDHC and executive meetings.
  • Explain and clarify campus policy and procedures that apply to the TCDHC.
  • Review and approve all club event requests and ensure appropriate paperwork is submitted for all campus activities.
  • Maintain contact with the Associated Student Officer (ASO) Office.
  • Provide direction in the areas of meeting facilitation, teamwork, goal setting, and program planning.
  • Supervise the finances of the club by monitoring expenses and making sure all expenses are accounted for and documented. Insure that all funds collected through fundraising are properly accounted for and deposited into the club’s account.
  • Authorize all deposits and withdrawals and maintain accurate financial records for the club’s general fund.


Section A: Graduation Committee – A program committee composed of the 2nd year class President as chairperson and three other 2nd year members shall be appointed by the President during the Spring Semester to plan Graduation Pinning ceremony.  The ceremony shall be the day after the Taft College Graduation at a location in Taft.   Two 1st year club officers shall attend the Graduation Pinning ceremony and offer their services where needed.

Section C: Special Committees – The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committees, with the approval of the Executive Officers, from time to time as need demands.

Section D: Other Committees – Other committees will be established upon agreement of the TCDHC members.


Section A: Selection – these bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the club membership.

Section B: Notice – All members shall receive advance notice of the proposed amendment at least five days before the meeting. [The time may be extended to the following meeting.]


Section B: Applications – Applications from the ASO office must be completed by deadline provided.  Scholarship applications do not need to include faculty evaluations or personal statements.


Students are expected to participate in all club activities. These opportunities are provided to enhance your dental hygiene student experience and further your knowledge outside the classroom.  Attendance will be taken and recorded at all events. In the event you are unable to attend, you must notify the club advisor prior to the event.

Section A:  Fundraising –  Each class will fundraise individually for their respective class accounts and the general club fund.  The minimum amount to be fundraised will be decided upon by each class and will be determined by means of a vote.  The general fund will receive 20% of profits earned from each fundraiser.  Failure to participate in fundraising activities will result in the inability to participate in the graduation pinning ceremony and/or SHOR. Profits from fundraising are used to fund the following activities:

  • CDHA Student House of Representatives annual meeting
  • Graduation Pinning ceremony
  • Provide lunch for club events
  • Fund community outreach projects
  • Candle Lighting Ceremony
  • Provide thank you gifts for guest speakers

Section B:  Community Outreach – Students will participate in community events to encourage community engagement with Taft College.

Section C:  Philanthropic Activities – The club will participate in 1 philanthropic activity per semester.  This may involve a simple monetary donation or providing community service hours. Failure to participate in philanthropic activities demonstrates a lack of professionalism.

Section D:  CDHA Student House of Representatives – This is a 3 day event held in early June that brings students and component members from all over the state of California together to discuss dental hygiene issues and the direction in which the association wants to move. There are several exciting guest speakers to listen to and forums in which the student voice will be heard.  Additionally, there will be a marketplace where schools can sell their fundraising products, and vendors from dental manufacturers will be present to provide information about dental hygiene products.

Section E:  Student Regional Meeting – This is a wonderful opportunity to network with CDHA executives, local components, and students from other programs.  Guest speakers provide presentations on topics relevant to dental hygiene students and their success upon graduation.  Additionally, there will be a marketplace where schools can sell their fundraising products, and vendors from dental manufacturers will be present to provide information about dental hygiene

Section F:  Guest Speakers – Several guest speakers from dental manufacturers will provide presentations on campus throughout the year to enhance your knowledge on the latest dental research and products. These meetings usually occur during the lunch hour and lunch is often provided.

Section G:  Candle Lighting Ceremony – This special event is put on by the 2nd year students in honor of the 1st year student’s successful completion of preclinical courses and requirements.  The event takes place at the beginning of the Spring semester before the 1st year students begin to see their first patients in clinic.

Section H:  Pinning Ceremony – This is a graduation celebration honoring both the graduates and their family and friends that supported them during school.  The event will occur the day after Taft College’s graduation ceremony at a venue in Taft and is fully funded through fundraising.