
Taft College  >  Campus Life   >  Clubs  >  Performing Arts  >  Constitution


Article I:  Name

The student organization described in this Constitution at Taft College hereafter referred to as TC, shall be named “Taft College Performing Arts Club,” hereafter referred to as TCPAC.

Article II: Purpose

TCPAC’s purpose is to bring together students interested in theatre and performance, to broaden their theatre experience and to provide live, local entertainment, in a movement to better our campus and our community.

Article III: Membership

Membership in DC is open to all interested TC students.

There will be no dues for TCPAC.

Article IV: Officers

Elected officers shall comprise the Executive Board.  All officers must be currently enrolled TC students in good academic and disciplinary status.  Chairpersons of committees are encouraged to attend Executive Board meetings.

Section 1: Officers-

Officers shall be the President, Vice President*,

Secretary/Production Coordinator, and Treasurer.

*The office of Vice President shall be considered optional.

Section 2: Term of Office –

The term of office for officers shall be one year one their term of

office shall begin at the commencement of fall semester each year.

Section 3: Limited Service-

No person shall concurrently hold more than one position in TCPAC unless otherwise approved by the advisor.

Section 4:  Succession –

  1. If the office of President of TCPAC becomes vacant for any reason, it will be to the discretion of the Advisor to appoint a person to fulfill the privileges, duties, and responsibilities of the President.
  2. Should any office other than President become vacant, The President, upon approval of the Advisor, must appoint a person to fulfill that office.

Section 5: Duties – 

  1. President
  2. Annual budget: With Treasurer, develop a proposed budget to send to TC-ASB.
  3. Meetings: Schedule and coordinate monthly officer meetings to conduct business.
  4. Using all appropriate leadership abilities, oversee the implementation and coordination of activities.
  5. Act as a liaison between TCPAC and TC ASB.
  6. Preside at meetings
  7. Vice President
  8. Work with president on leading and coordinating club events.
  9. In charge of holding auditions for improve group as well as coordinating those events and rehearsals with the help other faculty advisor.
  10. Treasurer
  11. Present monthly report on financial status.
  12. Maintain and preserve all records of financial transactions.
  13. Help President in preparing proposed budget to present to TC-ASB
  14. Budget events
  15. Secretary/Production Coordinator (optional)
  16. In charge of recruiting club members and other students/faculty members to provide technical support for performances, including lighting, sound, hair and makeup, costumes, props, as well as publicity.
  17. Take notes at all meetings and email the notes to the board after every meeting.

Article V: Meetings-

Section 1: Meetings –

Regular meetings shall be held during the school year to discuss funding, current projects, projects for the future, props, and any other issues that may arise.

All members are invited to attend open meetings.

Section 2: Special Meetings –

Special meetings may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee

Section 3: Quorum –

Quorum shall consist of half the members plus one.

Article VI: Standing Committees –

The President shall appoint committees as deemed necessary to promote interest, fellowship, and achievement in within the organization.  At least 3 members shall serve and they and they shall elect their own chair.

Article VII:  Amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws –

The constitution and By-Laws may be amended at a meeting called for the purpose of considering proposed amendments by a majority vote of those members present.  Copies of proposed amendments must be made available to all members at least 30 days prior to the called meeting.

Article VIII: Advisor –

The Advisor is expected to attend all chapter meetings and Executive Board meetings.  The Advisor shall vote in Executive Board meetings only when necessary to break a tie. The Advisor may call an emergency Executive Board meeting if they deem it appropriate to discuss and unusual situation or opportunity.

Article IX:  Picking Performances – 

Any member of the club may propose an idea for a performance.  The club shall vote on ideas as a whole.