
Taft College  >  Campus Life   >  Clubs  >  Social Science & Research Club  >  Constitution




Club Constitution and By-Laws

Constitution of
Social Science Research Group
(Formerly Psychology Club)

Article I :Name

Section I: The name of this organization shall be the Taft College Social Science Research Group.

Article II: Purpose

Section I: The purpose of this organization shall be to provide additional educational and practical experiences in social science research; to provide guidance in reaching students’ educational goals; and to create and maintain professional relationships with Taft College faculty and the broader social science community.

Section II: It is the goal of the organization to have members design, conduct, and prepare a presentation on one research project a year. Additionally, we would like to attend one professional conference each year.

Section III: Mission Statement shall be: You have to do it, to learn it.

Article IIIMembership

Section I: Membership is restricted to all currently enrolled students at Taft College and alumni of said institution who are interested in social science research.

Section II: A person is a member in good standing when he or she pays all required fees and actively participates in a majority of the club meetings.

Section III: The right to hold certain offices in the organization is reserved for club members who are not on academic probation at Taft College and who have taken one social science course.

Section IV: Any club member that is suspended from Taft College for any reason, is not eligible to participate in any activity or meeting of the club so long as that suspension is in force.

Section V: A student who desires to be a member in the club, but cannot enroll in the club, may join with restrictions.

Article IVOfficers

Section I: The officers shall be: President and Vice President, (or two co-presidents), and Secretary/Treasurer, and ASB/Inter-club Liaison.

Section II: The club shall be organized in the following structure:
Advisor – President –Vice President – Secretary/Treasurer – Members

Section III: To be eligible for office, candidates shall be members in good standing and maintain a GPA no lower than 2.5.

Section IV: Officers shall be elected and shall take office in August. Elected officers must receive a majority of votes to be elected.

Section V: Vacancies in the offices of President shall be filled by the Vice President. If the office of the Vice President is vacant, an election to fill both positions will be held. A vacancy in the office of Secretary/Treasurer, shall be filled by appointment by the President.

Section VI: Non-enrolled members may not run for office, but may be appointed to offices as the club deems necessary.

Article V: Meetings

Section I: Regular weekly meetings shall be held on each Wednesday, or such other day as designated by the Advisor.

Section II: Special meetings may be called as necessary by the advisor and/or president.

Section III: A quorum of three members, including at least one officer, shall be necessary to make final decisions.

Article VI Funds

Section I: Club funding may be used for any official club activities that the club members support. In particular, club funds are expected to be used for hotel, transportation to and from, and registration for conventions.

Section II: Non-enrolled members will not be permitted to attend a convention on club funding. However, they may attend at their own expense.

Section III: Reimbursements must be approved by both the Secretary/Treasurer and the Advisor, and a receipt must be provided.

Article VI: Source of Power

The source of power of this club is the Vice President of Student Services at Taft College, the legal representative of the Board of Trustees, who delegates powers as are appropriate to the Associated Student Body, which recognizes each club and enables it to conduct its power of business. In accepting this constitution, Taft College Social Science Research Group agrees to abide by Taft College policies and regulations which apply to students and student clubs.

Article VII: Amendments and Ratification.

The constitution shall be ratified by a majority vote of the members attending a meeting.



By-Laws of
Social Science Research Group

Article I: Rules of Procedure
The club shall be guided in its procedures by Advisor and President(s) when no other rules have been specially established in the by–laws or constitution.

Article II: Duties of Officers

Section I: President
Duties of the President(s) and Vice President include working with the Advisor to ensure meeting activities, determining the consensus of the group when decisions are needed, and encouraging and engaging students in the club.

Section II: Vice President
The Vice President shall work with the president to ensure the president’s duties are fulfilled.

Section III: Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep documents up-to-date and deposit and withdraw money from the club account.

Section IV Officers – General
Officers are required to attend at least 80 % of all meetings. Failure to maintain 80% meeting attendance, or to miss two (2) consecutive meetings, shall be grounds for removal from office.

Removal from office shall be accomplished during a regular organization meeting having a quorum present, by the majority vote of those present. If the President is the officer removed, the Vice President shall immediately succeed him/her. All other officers shall be replaced in the same manner as regular elections.

Section V Vacancies
The president shall have the right to appoint an acting Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, or ASB Liasion until an election to fill a vacancy caused for any reason. The President is also empowered to appoint, as needed, special committees and positions as might be necessary to effectively conduct business of the organization.

Article IIIOfficer Selection

Section I: Nominations shall be made by the advisor and members in good standing.

Section II: Election for new officers shall be conducted by written ballot in the Spring Semester (or as required in Article I, Section V) before the next Academic School Year begins, supervised by the Advisor.

Section III: Votes will be counted by the Advisor and at least one regular club member who did not run for office.

Section IV: New officers shall be installed during the first month of each fall Semester.

Section V: Assessment of officer’s academic status to hold office shall be conducted each January to determine eligibility as an officer. In the event that any officer is academically disqualified from participation, a new election shall be held as soon as possible to fill that position.