
Taft College  >  Campus Life   >  Clubs  >  STEM  >  Constitution



Article I – Name and Purpose

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and Career & Technical Education (STEM-CiTE) Club of Taft College.

Section 2: The purpose of the STEM-CiTE Club is as follows:

  • Clause 1: Research and learn more regarding STEM and CTE opportunities including career exploration and current industry needs.
  • Clause 2: Support STEM-CiTE students in pursuit of degrees and future employment.
  • Clause 3: Understand industry needs, desires, standards, and practices.
  • Clause 4: Research and pursue internship and research opportunities for students.
  • Clause 5: Develop a cohesive STEM and CTE community at Taft College and within the surrounding West Kern community.
  • Clause 6: Mentoring and peer support for academic success.


Article II – Membership

Section 1: Students must be enrolled either part-time or full-time during the academic year and attending and participating in meetings and events.

Section 2: Only active members of this association shall hold office and represent the club through meeting and event attendance and participation.


Article III – Qualification for and Terms of Officers

Section 1: A candidate for elective office shall:

  • Clause 1: Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in courses taken at Taft College and must be maintaining 6 units.
  • Clause 2: Be regularly enrolled at Taft College during the current academic year.
  • Clause 3: Attend all scheduled meetings and events.
  • Clause 4: Shall be in good standing with the college as defined in the Taft College Catalog and Student Handbook.

Section 2: All elective officers shall hold office for one (1) college calendar year.

Section 3: All officers shall function in accordance with the constitution, bylaws, and special rulings of the Executive Board.

Section 4: All officers shall attend all meetings and special events as necessitated by club needs.

Section 5: No one student may hold more than one office unless no viable candidates are available to fill role.

Section 6: Any appointee of the Executive Board who has three unexcused absences during a semester shall be subject to dismissal from the position he/she holds by a plurality vote of the Executive Board.


Article IV – Elective Officers and Appointments

 Section 1: The “President” of this club shall be elected by a plurality vote of club members and shall:

  • Clause 1: Act as President of the Executive Board and this club.
  • Clause 2: Act as official representative of the STEM-CiTE Club of Taft College and serve as a liaison between the STEM-CiTE Club and all campus clubs and organizations.=
  • Clause 3: Oversee all formal meetings and special events offered by the STEM-CiTE club.
  • Clause 4: Attend all campus meetings as necessitated by the Associated Students Organization (ASO) of Taft College, the club advisor and co-advisor, and other campus meetings as required.
  • Clause 5: Oversee club recruitment procedures, events, and activities, assisted by the STEM-CiTE Club Executive Leadership.
  • Clause 6: Delegate roles and duties as needed to maintain club activity and procedures.
  • Clause 7: Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Clause 8: Vote only to break a tie.
  • Clause 9: Exercise such other powers as have been granted to him/her by this constitution, or shall be granted to him/her by the Executive Board in accordance with the constitution.
  • Clause 10: Be responsible for preparing and distributing the Executive Board and General Business Meeting agenda.

Section 2: The “Vice-President” of this club shall be elected by a plurality vote of club members and shall:

  • Clause 1: Assume the duties of the President or other Executive Board members during his/her absence.
  • Clause 2: Succeed to the office of President should that office upon the resignation or disqualification become vacant.
  • Clause 3: Oversee the yearly election process with the assistance of the Executive Board and other appointed individuals.
  • Clause 4: Conduct all official correspondence in the name of the STEM-CiTE Club and shall keep accurate files of all said corresponds and such other recorders as are deemed necessary        including, but not limited to, emails, flyers, club newsletter, etc.
  • Clause 5: In collaboration with the Executive Board and other appointed individuals, serve as fundraising coordinator.
  • Clause 6: Exercise such other powers as have been granted to him/her by this constitution, or shall be granted to him/her by the Executive Board in accordance with this constitution.

Section 3: The “Treasurer” of this club shall be elected by a plurality vote of club members and shall:

  • Clause 1: Assume the duties of the President or other Executive Board members during the absence of President and Vice President.
  • Clause 2: Keep accurate financial records of all expenditures and deposits and maintain an accurate running balance of the STEM-CiTE Club general fund.
  • Clause 3: Be responsible for making and signing all check requests and making all deposits related to the STEM-CiTE Weekly general fund and make a bimonthly financial report to the    Executive Board.
  • Clause 4: Exercise such other powers as have been granted to him/her by this constitution, or shall be granted to him/her by the Executive Board in accordance with this constitution.

 Section 4: The “Secretary” of this club shall be elected by a plurality vote of club members and shall:

  • Clause 1: Assume the duties of the President or other Executive Board members during the absence of President, Vice President and Treasurer.
  • Clause 2: Keep accurate, written minutes of proceedings transmitted during Executive Board meetings. Maintain a complete and current file of all such minutes and submit copies of the    minutes to the President, Club Advisor and Co-Advisor, and members of the Executive Board.
  • Clause 3: Prepare a typewritten copy of the minutes for each meeting of the Executive Board and general club business meetings.
  • Clause 4: Conduct such other secretarial duties as specified by the Executive Board President.
  • Clause 5: Be responsible for preparing and distributing the Executive Board and General Business Meeting agenda.
  • Clause 6: Exercise such other powers as have been granted to him/her by this constitution, or shall be granted to him/her by the Executive Board in accordance with this constitution.

Section 5: The “Events Coordinator” of the club shall be elected by a plurality vote of club members and shall:

  • Clause 1: Act as President of the association in the absence of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Clause 2: Be responsible for the organization of all activities in collaboration with Executive Board and other appointed individuals including, but not limited to, locations, attendance,    costs,etc.;  minimum once a semester, but no more than four in one academic year.
  • Clause 3: Be responsible for preparing activities requests for all activities sponsored by the Executive Board and STEM-CiTE Club.
  • Clause 4: Exercise such other powers as have been granted to him/her by this constitution, or shall be granted to him/her by the Executive Board in accordance with this constitution.


Article V – Governing Body

Section 1: The governing body of this association shall be the “Executive Board” of the STEM-CiTE Club of Taft College.

Section 2: The governing body of this association shall consist of the following:  President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Events Coordinator.

Section 3: The voting members of this association shall consist of the following: the executive board and active members of the STEM-CiTE Club.

Section 4: Meetings

  • Clause 1: Meetings may be called by an officer of the Executive Board with approval of the Club Advisor or Co-Advisor.
  • Clause 2: A majority vote will consist of one vote more than fifty (50) percent of all voting membership.
  • Clause 3: The association shall meet quorum with a minimum attendance of the following members: The Executive Board and fifty (50) percent of club membership.

Section 5: The Executive Board of this association shall:

  • Clause 1: Have the power to legislate and execute all resolutions, bylaws, and codes governing the association, subject to referendum.
  • Clause 2: Represent the association in all internal and external affairs.
  • Clause 3: All officers and members of this club are to comply with the provisions of this constitution.
  • Clause 4: Hear reports of all officers and committee chairpersons of this club, and any other reports by members or outside organizations.
  • Clause 5: Shall have the right of free discussion in its meeting and show responsibility on behalf of the club.

Section 6: Each member of the Executive Board shall be one vote.

  •   Clause 1: An Executive Board member may not delegate his/her voting power without a two-thirds voter approval by the Executive Board.

Section 7: The Club Advisor and/or Co-Advisor shall be present at Executive Board and General Business meetings and shall act in that capacity.


Article VI – Elections

 Section 1: Nominations

  • Clause 1: Club members will self-nominate themselves for the Executive Board during the General Business Meeting in March of the Academic Year.
  • Clause 2: Individuals may only self-nominate and run for one (1) Executive Board position.

Section 2: Elections

  • Clause 1: The Executive Board Vice-President shall appoint from its members an Election committee to assist with aspects of the student election.
    • No candidate shall serve on the elections committee. The election committee shall be responsible for setting the election date during the month of April.
  • Clause 2: Elections will be held during the second to last General Business Meeting of the academic year.
  • Clause 3: No campaigning shall occur during the election meeting. Violation of this clause will result in immediate withdrawal of name from the ballot.
  • Clause 4: All active members of the STEM club may vote.
  • Clause 5: The officers shall be elected from a secret ballot
    • The ballot will be counted by the election committee in the presence of the Club Advisor and/or Co-Advisor
    • No candidate shall count ballots.
    • Ballots shall be counted by the Advisor and at least two members of the board.
    • The results shall be immediately announced.
  • Clause 6: The duly elected officers shall take office at the last General Business Meeting of the Spring Semester.


Article VII – Special Elections

Section 1: Special election may be called by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board

Section 2: Special elections shall be held if an Executive Board position becomes vacant by reason of recall, disqualification, dismissal, or resignation.  Special elections shall be held within thirty days after notice of the vacancy comes to the attention of the Club Advisor and Co-Advisor.

Section 3: Candidates for the position may nominate themselves or be nominated by others by filing of an application certifying that the candidate is eligible for service under the criteria set forth in California law and under Article VI, Section 1. The election will be conducted in accordance with the administrative procedures as follows:

  • Clause 1: Notice communicated to the student body of an executive board opening in the case of a recall election, a recall election, dismissal, a disqualification, or any other reason;
  • Clause 2: An application period for the students to submit an application to become a candidate for the open position that will be open for at least 10 days after the notification, on days which   classes are regularly held.
  • Clause 3: Following the application period, and approval of nomination, each candidate can campaign for 5 days upon which classes are regularly scheduled.
  • Clause 4: No special election will be called if the vacancy occurs within 30 days of a regularly scheduled election for students. An interim officer appointed by the executive board will hold the position for the remainder of the semester.


Article VIII – Recall, Disqualifications, and Dismissal

Section 1: All officers of this organization shall be subject to recall by the STEM Club membership body. A request for recall shall be made by written petition stating the exact reason for the recall. The petition must be signed by 25 percent of the students enrolled at the time of filing. Presentation of a petition to the Executive Board shall be made within five (5) school days following the request. A two-thirds vote of the total cast shall be required to recall an officer. No recall election will be held if the petition is received within 30 days of a regularly scheduled election of the Executive Board.

Section 2: An Executive officer or any student member may be immediately dismissed from a position by the approval of the Club Advisor and/or Co-Advisor under any violation of the Taft College Standard of Student Conduct.

  • Clause 1: Any officer of the Executive Board or student member who has three unexcused absences during a semester shall be subject to dismissal from the office or position held by two-thirds     vote of the voting members

Section 3: An Executive officer or any student member shall be disqualified from a position with a grade point average falling below the mandatory 2.0 minimum requirement prior to holding the office position or at the end of the first semester of being in office.