Energy Technology September 12, 2018

Energy Technology September 12, 2018

Date: 09/12/2018


Taft College Program: Energy Technology
Place: Berry Petroleum Company, LLC, 5201 Truxtun Ave., (CJ Berry Conference room)
Date: September 12, 2018
Time: 8:00 – 10:00 AM
1. Welcome/Introductions
2. Review of May 23, 2018 meeting minutes; motion require
3. Old Business
4. Program Update
5. Marketing Committee report
6. Program needs/support from industry partners and Committee
7. New Business
8. Next steps
 Summarize meeting and action items
 Schedule next meeting
Meeting to be adjourned by 10:00 AM


Minutes of the Energy Technology Advisory Committee
September 12, 2018 at 8:00 a.m.
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC
Members Present: Trent Rosenlieb, Deb Daniels, Jessica Grimes, Allisa Tweedy, Carlos Lovera, Bill
Gillespie, Lee Foster, Nick Narup, Suzan Sindelar, Ted Pendergrass, Terry Davis,
Tori Furman, and Whisper Null

Secretary: Julie Rothgeb
1. Welcome/ Introductions – Everyone went around the table and introduced themselves. We
have five new additions to the committee. They are Allisa Tweedy, Bill Gillespie, Jessica
Grimes, Nick Narup, and Terry Davis. Allisa, who is the STEM/CTE Program
Assistant/Technician at Taft College. Bill, who will be sitting in for Chad Jones from now on.
Bill works in the HR department mentoring at CRC. Jessica, who is the Interim Dean of
Instruction and CTE at Taft College.
2. Review of May 23, 2018 meeting minutes; motion required – Tori motioned the approval of
the minutes, Ted 2nd the motion, all approved
3. Old Business – Chad Jones, with CRC, made it possible for the TC STEM summer camp future
innovators to take a fieldtrip to Elk Hills Command Center. It was fantastic
Jacob was going to check on the tanks by the Energy Tech building at TC to make sure they
were secure. Trent will get with Jacob and see what the outcome was. The OLY project was
explained to Terry. He said he needed one of the tanks. Lisa will get him access to them
4. Program Update – Two adjuncts have been hired. Curriculum was accepted and will be in
effect the fall of 2019. Twenty students have been declared Energy Technology students. An
Energy Tech marketing video will be shot on campus next month on October 16.
Terry asked about adding courses to the program. Tori is going to request that Terry be added
to the Applied Tech Division committee meetings
Classroom visits – TUHS had them around March. Seniors, juniors, and Oil Tech classes. Visits
scheduled for TUHS, Maricopa, and Buena Vista in the next few weeks. Deb gave kudo’s to the
faculty for getting the program up and running
5. Marketing – A video is being filmed on October 16 by the Chancellor’s office. Jessica will e-mail
the group what they are looking for. It will consist of 60-90 second snap shots. We will be
looking committee members to participate
Nick asked if we asked the twenty students that were declared Energy Tech students, how they
heard about the program. Tori said via e-mail but she will give the adjuncts a paper request to
hand out to them also
Minutes of the Energy Technology Advisory Committee
September 12, 2018 at 8:00 a.m.
Berry Petroleum Company, LLC
6. Program Needs –
7. New Business – Trent asked if we could get more information on our new additions to the
committee. Jessica’s background is 13 years as an English Professor. Her brothers were a
firefighter and welder. She is very interested in CTE. Her idea is to get the faculty involved and
is looking forward to working with industry
Nick Narup is one of the new adjuncts for the Energy Technology program. He is a graduate of
USCSD. He graduated in June of 2017. He works with circuit boards and is a part of the Oil
Tech Academy at TUSH. His family is in the oil business
Terry was with Chevron for 32 years in the Environmental cleanup program. He is a proud
graduate of Fresno State, Cal State and TC. They are all welcome additions to the advisory
Terry and Ted discussed getting Energy Tech with the Oil Tech Academy students. Ted met
with Paul Blake about the same thing with engineering students but it never came to fruition.
The committee discussed getting TUHS students interested in TC and Energy
Tech/Engineering programs
8. Next steps
 Summarize meeting and action items –
o Trent will get with Jacob regarding the tanks
o Trent will reach out to the industry regarding the advisory committee
o Tori will request that Terry be included on the Applied Tech Division committee
o Tori to give the Nick and Terry a paper request to give to students to see how
they learned about the Energy Tech program
o Internships – Tori is requesting that industry reach out
o Jessica will e-mail advisory committee information regarding video
 Next meeting: January 30, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. at Chevron Energy Center 9525 Camino
Media Bakersfield, CA 93311
 Motion to adjourn meeting – Lee motioned, Jessica 2nd motion, meeting adjourned at 9:07
Respectfully submitted by Julie Rothgeb
Approved by Trent Rosenlieb

Additional Documents:

  • Advisory Committee Agenda Energy Technology
  • Minutes of the Energy Technology Advisory Committee