Distance Learning Course List – Summer 2022

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Summer 2022

Distance Learning Course List
Course IDSubjectSUBJECT_DESCCourse#SectionCreditsTitleStart DateEnd DateInstructorON-OFF Campus
ADMJ1501ADMJAdministration Justice1501403Intro to Criminal JusticeJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Wessely, Jason T.ON
ART1500ARTArt1500403Art AppreciationJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Smith, Gaysha D.ON
ART1800ARTArt1800403Introduction to Digital ArtJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Dimayuga, Anna J.ON
ARTH1510ARTHArt History1510403Prehist to Renaissance ArtHistJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Lindquist, Erica P.ON
BIOL1500BIOLBiology1500423Fundamentals of BiologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Lytle, SteveON
BIOL1500BIOLBiology1500443Fundamentals of BiologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Webster, Kyle E.ON
BIOL1500BIOLBiology1500403Fundamentals of BiologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Berry, Wendy J.ON
BIOL2370BIOLBiology2370403Nutrition ScienceJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Vallejo, Benigno B.ON
BIOL2370BIOLBiology2370413Nutrition ScienceJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Hickman, Ryan S.ON
BUSN1500BUSNBusiness1500403Introduction to BusinessJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bledsoe, Adam W.ON
BUSN1510BUSNBusiness1510403Business CommunicationJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Brixey, Gabrielle E.ON
CIS1603CISComputer Information Systems1603401.5Intro to Word Processing-WordJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Eigenauer, John D.ON
CIS1703CISComputer Information Systems1703401.5Intro to Spreadsheets-ExcelJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Eigenauer, John D.ON
CIS2020CISComputer Information Systems2020403Intro to Computer Info SystemsJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Agundez, Adrian B.ON
COMM1511COMMCommunication1511413Public SpeakingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Golling, LeighON
COMM1511COMMCommunication1511433Public SpeakingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Travis, Lori L.ON
COMM1511COMMCommunication1511403Public SpeakingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022McDaniel, Steven J.ON
COMM1511COMMCommunication1511423Public SpeakingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Travis, Lori L.ON
CTRP1210CTRPCourt Reporting1210402Proofreading for the Court RepJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022McDonnell, Lisa A.ON
ECEF1500ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1500403Intro. to ECE:Princip. & PractJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Roth, Rebecca E.ON
ECEF1501ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1501403Early Care, Ed. & Fam. Stud.CuJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Beasley, Michelle A.ON
ECEF1531ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1531403The Child in Family/Comm RelatJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Beasley, Michelle A.ON
ECEF1590ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1590403Health, Safety & NutritionJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Beasley, Michelle A.ON
ECEF1601ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1601403Divers. in Early Care, Ed., FaJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Roth, Rebecca E.ON
ECEF1611ECEFEarly Care, Ed. and Fam. Studi1611403Children with Special NeedsJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Beasley, Michelle A.ON
ECON2120ECONEconomics2120403Principles of Economics-MicroJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Page, Jason D.ON
ECON2210ECONEconomics2210403Principles of Economics-MacroJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bledsoe, Adam W.ON
ENGL1500ENGLEnglish1500453Composition and ReadingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Carlson, Kamala A.ON
ENGL1500ENGLEnglish1500423Composition and ReadingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Carlson, Kamala A.ON
ENGL1500ENGLEnglish1500413Composition and ReadingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Chung-Wee, ChristopherON
ENGL1500ENGLEnglish1500403Composition and ReadingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Devine, William M.ON
ENGL1600ENGLEnglish1600414Crit Think, Lit, & CompositionJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Kerr, Danielle M.ON
ENGL1600ENGLEnglish1600404Crit Think, Lit, & CompositionJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Chung-Wee, ChristopherON
ENGL1600ENGLEnglish1600424Crit Think, Lit, & CompositionJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Kerr, Danielle M.ON
ENGL2600ENGLEnglish2600403World Literature IJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Devine, William M.ON
GEOG1510GEOGGeography1510403Physical GeographyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022May, James P.ON
GEOG1510GEOGGeography1510413Physical GeographyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022May, James P.ON
HIST2231HISTHistory2231413History of the U.S. to 1877June 6, 2022July 28, 2022Mendoza, Tina C.ON
HIST2231HISTHistory2231423History of the U.S. to 1877June 6, 2022July 28, 2022Mendoza, Tina C.ON
HIST2232HISTHistory2232403History of the U.S. since 1877June 6, 2022July 28, 2022Altenhofel, Jennifer L.ON
HIST2232HISTHistory2232413History of the U.S. since 1877June 6, 2022July 28, 2022Altenhofel, Jennifer L.ON
HLED1510HLEDHealth Education1510413Principles of Healthful LivingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Thompson, Tony M.ON
HLED1510HLEDHealth Education1510403Principles of Healthful LivingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Thompson, Tony M.ON
HLED1510HLEDHealth Education1510433Principles of Healthful LivingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Maiocco, VinceON
HLED1541HLEDHealth Education1541413Medical TerminologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Vallejo, Benigno B.ON
HLED1541HLEDHealth Education1541403Medical TerminologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Vallejo, Benigno B.ON
HUM1500HUMHumanities1500403Introduction to the HumanitiesJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Swenson, Sonja C.ON
LIBR1548LIBRLibrary1548411Intro to Library ResearchJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Smith, Terri L.ON
LIBR1548LIBRLibrary1548401Intro to Library ResearchJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Taibjee, Sukena F.ON
MATH1050MATHMathematics1050404Elementary AlgebraJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Getty, Shelley M.ON
MATH1060MATHMathematics1060414Intermediate AlgebraJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Payne, Ruby M.ON
MATH1060MATHMathematics1060404Intermediate AlgebraJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Cahoon, Nathan E.ON
MATH1500MATHMathematics1500404Math for a Modern SocietyJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Payne, Ruby M.ON
MATH1505MATHMathematics1505404MathCncpts ElmntryTeach NumSysJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Cahoon, Nathan E.ON
MATH1510MATHMathematics1510404College Algebra for Lib ArtsJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Getty, Shelley M.ON
MATH1520MATHMathematics1520403Finite MathematicsJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Getty, Shelley M.ON
MATH1530MATHMathematics1530404Plane TrigonometryJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Martinez, MariaON
MATH1540MATHMathematics1540404Precalculus MathematicsJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Martinez, MariaON
MGMT1500MGMTManagement1500403Intro. to Human Resource Mgmt.June 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bledsoe, Adam W.ON
MUSC1510MUSCMusic1510403Music AppreciationJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Burnham, Kyle J.ON
PHED1523PHEDPhysical Education1523401Beginning Weight LiftingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bandy, Ingrun K.ON
PHED1623PHEDPhysical Education1623401Intermed Weight LiftingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bandy, Ingrun K.ON
PHED1723PHEDPhysical Education1723401Advanced Weight LiftingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bandy, Ingrun K.ON
PHED1823PHEDPhysical Education1823401Elite Weight LiftingJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bandy, Ingrun K.ON
POSC1501POSCPolitical Science1501413GovernmentJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Combs, NoelleON
POSC1501POSCPolitical Science1501423GovernmentJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Anderson, Ian J.ON
PSYC1500PSYCPsychology1500413Introduction to PsychologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Polski, Robin J.ON
PSYC1500PSYCPsychology1500403Introduction to PsychologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Polski, Robin J.ON
PSYC2003PSYCPsychology2003403Child Growth and DevelopmentJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Roth, Rebecca E.ON
PSYC2080PSYCPsychology2080403Intro to Lifespan PsychologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Polski, Robin J.ON
SOC1510SOCSociology1510423Introduction to SociologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Jimenez Murguia, SalvadorON
SOC1510SOCSociology1510403Introduction to SociologyJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Jimenez Murguia, SalvadorON
SOC2110SOCSociology2110403Intro to Race and EthnicityJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Jimenez Murguia, SalvadorON
SPAN1601SPANSpanish1601404Elementary Spanish IJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Martinez, JulianON
SPAN1601SPANSpanish1601414Elementary Spanish IJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Martinez, JulianON
SPAN1601SPANSpanish1601434Elementary Spanish IJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Montelongo, MaribelON
SPAN1602SPANSpanish1602404Elementary Spanish IIJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Martinez, JulianON
SPAN2001SPANSpanish2001405Intermediate Spanish IIIJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Martinez, JulianON
SPAN2002SPANSpanish2002405Intermediate Spanish IVJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Martinez, JulianON
STAT1510STATStatistics1510405Elementary StatisticsJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Mitchell, David T.ON
STAT1510STATStatistics1510415Elementary StatisticsJune 6, 2022August 11, 2022Mitchell, David T.ON
STSU1001STSUStudent Success1001401Educational PlanningJuly 5, 2022July 28, 2022Bogle, Darcy S.ON
STSU1019STSUStudent Success1019402Career/Life PlanningJuly 5, 2022July 28, 2022Rangel-Escobedo, Juana R.ON
STSU1500STSUStudent Success1500403Strategies College & Life MgtJune 6, 2022July 28, 2022Bogle, Darcy S.ON
STSU1525STSUStudent Success1525402Transfer PlanningJuly 5, 2022July 28, 2022Rangel-Escobedo, Juana R.ON
STSU1530STSUStudent Success1530402Transitioning High Sch to CollJuly 5, 2022July 28, 2022Chaidez, Joell C.ON