ASB Goes to Halloween Horror Night at Universal Studios

ASB Goes to Halloween Horror Night at Universal Studios

By Jonathan Celiz

For Halloween, the ASB Club celebrated by going on their annual Fall Trip to Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights as well as spend the rest of the weekend at the Santa Monica Pier.


Universal Studios hosts its Halloween Horror Night every October with several scare mazes, attractions, and live entertainment throughout the park, one of it’s popular attractions, The Terror Trams was themed after their big hit horror film series The Purge and offered a chance for guests to roam the famous Universal Studio back lot for a howling good time


Photo-ops were allowed on the famous house from Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho


Scare actors littered the park waiting to frighten unsuspecting park-goers.

Other haunted attractions included This is the End 3D, The Walking Dead, Crimson Peak and the very popular hit this year Halloween: Michael Myers comes Home.

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This year the park also hosted the sensational hip-hop dance crew known as “JabbaWockeeZ” whose high-impact dance routines dazzled packed crowds all night.


After the group had their scares for the evening, the next day was spent relaxing at the famous Santa Monica Pier.


The pier has its own series of attractions including several boardwalk rides, an arcade, and an aquarium. The day came to a close after having spent the time visiting various shops and restaurants at the pier which was a fitting end for ASB Club’s annual Fall Trip.