Third Annual Halloween Baseball Scrimmage

Third Annual Halloween Baseball Scrimmage

Student players in costume

Student players in costume


By Michael Clites

Thursday, October 29th was a day dedicated to Taft College’s third annual Halloween Costume Baseball Scrimmage. The scrimmage was between current TC baseball players and their coaches and alumni. This may have been one of the more entertaining baseball games that TC baseball fans have ever witnessed.

The costumes ranged from humorous to scary to quite questionable. There were clowns, greasers, classic horror film killers, and even a swollen up Violet Blueberry from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

But players in the game didn’t seem phased at all by their attire. As a matter of fact, they seemed to have cared less about their costumes.

Players were stealing bases and sliding for safety, dirtying up their once clean and fresh costumes. Even when it came to hitting, all players seemed to connect with the ball even with there was wig hair in their eyes or fake zombie blood mixed with sweat dripping into their eyes.

Baby tagged out by sandwich

Baby tagged out by sandwich

This event proves once again that it isn’t about what you wear or how good you look during a game, but about the will to win behind the mask. The costume game is much more than just another TC sporting event. It gives coaches and players the chance to kick their cleats up and have some good fun with their fellow teammates.


Mustard meets the sandwich

Overall, it is safe to say that the costume game is a way to take a break from the competitive part of the sport and just worry about having fun.