Hotel Transylvania 2 Reviewed

Hotel Transylvania 2 Reviewed

By Hector Gutierrez


The sequel to Hotel Transylvania, Hotel Transylvania 2, did not disappoint viewers in theatres this fall season.

Based on its story line and character narrators, it is easily the best animated film to hit the box office this year.

Dracula, narrated by Adam Sandler (who has starred in many timeless classics such as: Happy Gilmore, Little Nicky, Click, 50 First Dates and Big Daddy), has trouble accepting that his grandchild, Dennis, might not have any vampire in him.


Dracula and his crew (who consist of narrators David Spade, Keegan-Michael Key and Bruce Buscemi) spend a whole night trying to scare the vampire out of him. Unsuccessful, Dracula accepts his grandchild as a full-blooded human and has to accept his departure since Dennis’s parents Johnny and Mavis decide to relocate and raise their child as a full blooded human.

In a rapid change of events, Dennis finally conveys his vampire side in an effort to save his loyal friend from a human-eating monster who accompanies Vlad.


Vlad (narrated by Mel Brooks) is an old-fashioned vampire who completely despises humans and is not even aware his grandson Dennis is human. Dracula, son of Vlad, stands up to his father to accept Dennis and all humans.

This whimsical and entertaining animated film is perfect for the family. The moral of the film is to accept all for who and what they are.


Funny and inventive in its entirety, Hotel Transylvania 2 is perfect for all ages and is still in theatres until November 26th this year.