Kevin McCarthy Presents Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Bill Richardson
By Alberto Muro
At the Bakersfield Business Conference, U. S. Representative Kevin McCarthy held a panel consisting of three former state governors: Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Bill Richardson. McCarthy began by speaking about the recent changes in energy policies which resulted in the departure of California Businesses. As former governor of Texas, Rick Perry jumped at the opportunity to open his state to the California businesses. McCarthy reminded Rick Perry that the businesses may have left California, but the state still remains a top distributor of energy. This information astounded Richardson as he stated, “I was always under the impression that Texas was the highest distributor of energy.” which is a reasonable statement due to the size of Texas. McCarthy continued the panel by asking Jindal his thoughts on improving education in the United States. Jindal believes that “teachers should be hired and fired based on performance.” The former Louisiana governor also spoke about student success. Saying that “the dollar shouldn’t follow the child; instead the child should follow the dollar”; a response that was met with a thunderous applause.