Linn Energy Student Internships

Linn Energy Student Internships

By Alberto Muro

Trent Rosenlib of Linn Energy spoke to Taft College Energy Technology students about upcoming internships in their summer program.

On March 14, Manager of Government/Regulation Affairs Trent Rosenlib held a discussion about the upcoming opportunities that Linn energy has to offer to Taft College students for the summer. Mr. Rosenlib began by introducing himself to the class and talked about his involvement with the political aspect of his job and said, “I have to deal with regulators and legislators from Sacramento to Washington D.C.”

Mr. Rosenlib talked about environmental safety when working at Linn Energy; he says, “If you ever have the desire to leave this industry, you can take this skill set and cross over into any other industry.” Another important feature of working for Linn Energy is making sure you are up to date with the laws since every year new laws are passed. Mr Rosenlib held up a large intimidating book and said, “These are the 2017 environmental laws for California.” Everyone looked astounded by the amount of regulations and understood that following guidelines is definitely an asset for Linn Energy.

Linn Energy is currently offering an internship opportunity for Taft College students with the desire to enter the petroleum industry. Students will have the option to either be part of the drilling department or the EHS (Environmental, Health and Safety) group. The internships begin in June and will conclude in August. Mr. Rosenlib encouraged that students take advantage of the internships at Linn Energy since it will help them secure a career.