Sleep while You Wait

Sleep while You Wait

By Denae Ayala and David Garcia

To cool for school? Play some pool.

During my two-hour breaks in between classes I like to catch some shut eye every once in while.

And honestly, the seats in the Library are comfy but I don’t want to wake up with my neck and back aching because I tried to fit my whole body on a small seat.

Miguel Zuniga taking in some zzz

The Student Union Center changes the sleeping and relaxing game for Taft students with an Associated Student Body sticker on their ID’s.

The Center is located near the Taft Gym, right next to the men’s and women’s restrooms. In the spacey portable room there are many things that you can do to pass the time, of course, you can go in there and do some homework, but you can also go in there and just relax.

For example, there are two pool tables, a Foosball table, a ping pong table, two bean bags, two couches, a large television, an Xbox 360, video games and so many different kinds of movies to just pass the time.

Honestly who doesn’t like to play pool, we already all play it on our phones and claim to be the best and handing out Ls, so test your real skill on one of the two tables in the Center.

The Center is primarily run by a lot of the Taft athletes, mainly the soccer women. The school funds the ASB program which then funds the Center and all the nice things inside of it.

So please if you decide to go in there, respect the equipment that is provided for our entertainment.

Julie Hernandez was working at the Student Union Center the day we went in to take pictures of the place. She was kind enough to talk to us and let us know why she likes it in there so much.

She says that it’s a great place for students to just go in there and relax and of course do some homework.

The WiFi is pretty good in there so you know who doesn’t like some good WiFi so you know that Netflix isn’t about to buffer for about 30 seconds which really feels like 30 minutes. Or we are all just impatient human beings but hey, good WiFi is always appreciated.

The Student Union center is strictly for one, Taft Students, and students with the USB sticker in the back of their ID’s.

I know most of your are going to say I am not in ASB, (sad face) BUT if you rent books from the Taft bookstore, those 30 or so bucks you spent on that little blue sticker in the back, yeah that is all you need to get in.  (happy face)

For the most part The Student Union Center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Monday through Thursday and Fridays from 8 a.m – 2 p.m. So if you are ever feeling kind of tired or just trying to relax and play some pool, head over to the student union center and have some fun, or sleep on the bean bags. Enjoy.