
To Vote or Not to Vote, That Is the Question

By Etelvina Castillo

2016 USA presidential election poster. EPS 10

The most talked about event in the media and among people is the presidential election of 2016.

We have all at least heard something about this year’s election, whether it is about the controversial Donald Trump and his hair or Hilary Clinton, who is running to be the first female president of the United States.

The media has managed to make 2016’s presidential election top news.

Some of Taft College’s students are on board with this year’s presidential election and this is what they had to say.

Jackie Flores said she favors Hilary Clinton. What Flores wants the next president to focus on is creating more jobs.

Kennedy and Raegan Sorensen both agreed that the run for the presidency is intense.

On the other hand, some students are not so interested in who is running for the presidency or participating by voting in the election.

Lauren Pena said the only thing she hears about related to the election is bad talk about Donald Trump and good comments about Hilary Clinton. But she has no interest in voting, Pena said.

Student Yvonne Rivera, said she has no interest in voting because “the presidential election is a joke.”

Some students who preferred to remain anonymous said things such as, “I feel like my vote doesn’t matter” and “I’ve never voted so I don’t think I will this year either.”

The fact is that as a citizen of the United States not only is voting a right but it is also a privilege and it should be your responsibility to vote in this year’s presidential election.

Who you vote for this November will have an impact in your daily life and most importantly in your future. It is important that our voices are heard, and that on election day, we make a difference for our country and for future generations.

You should make sure you do your research about the presidential candidates and know who you will be voting for this November. Don’t let others make the choice for you, vote. 

If you are a resident of California, a United States citizen, 18 or older and don’t have a criminal record, you are eligible to vote in the California primary in June and the general election in November. All you have to do is be registered.

If not yet registered to vote, you may do so without even leaving your house. You can register by mail or online. The following websites will give you more information on registering to vote:,,

Nominations Open for Hall of Fame Class

Campus Community:
Nominations for the 2016 Hall of Fame Class are due Tuesday, March 15th! Think about your classmates, fellow colleagues, and outstanding athletes, and let us hear from you!
Further information on the nine categories and nomination forms are available on the Hall of Fame website: Also, check out the exciting captured moments and memories in the Photo Gallery from this year’s Hall of Fame celebration.

We look forward to nominations from all categories!
Darcy Bogle
Vice President, Student Services
29 Cougar Court
Taft, CA 93268
Office: 661-763-7889
Fax: 661-763-7758

Flags at Half-staff for Nancy Reagan


Presidential Proclamation — Nancy Reagan


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As a mark of respect for the memory of Nancy Reagan, I hereby order, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, that the flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and upon all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, on the day of interment.  I also direct that the flag shall be flown at half-staff for the same period at all United States embassies, legations, consular offices, and other facilities abroad, including all military facilities and naval vessels and stations.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.


Chris Rock on Equality

By Cameron Hertzog


The Oscars is a magical night to appreciate and acknowledge magical people.

This year’s Oscar ceremony was hosted by none other than stand-up comedian Chris Rock.

Many Oscar winners take their speech and 30 seconds of glory and recognition to bring attention to issues that are near and dear to their heart. Chris Rock took that to another level. He used his entire monologue to talk about the prevalent racism problem in Hollywood.

He welcomed guests to the “White People’s Choice Awards”, as he called it instead of the Oscars, and that was just the beginning. His soldiered on through the muffled and not so muffled laughs and continued to talk about the racism that black actors face in Hollywood.

He talked about the ‘50s and ‘60s saying that it didn’t really bother anyone back then that there were no black people up for nominations because well, “we had real things to protest at the time.”

“We were too busy being lynched and raped to worry about who won best cinematography. When your grandmas swinging from a tree, it’s really hard to care about best documentary short.”

He held nothing back. He goes on saying that black actors get a great part in a film every once and a while when Leonardo Di Caprio gets a good part every year.

 On the last few days of Black History Month the all-white line-up of Oscar nominees did not look that great. Rock wasn’t calling for preferential treatment, but merely equal opportunity for roles that are available to black actors.

This is a fair request in an industry that is still heavily influenced by the white male and a fan base that stands behind that. Take Di Caprio for instance, an enormous fan base has rallied behind him for years calling for him to earn the Oscar and recognition that they believed he deserved.

This is not to say that Leo is not a talented and accomplished actor, but why is there not the same sort of support for black actors, or any other minority actors?

Di Caprio had a lot of good things to say in his acceptance speech about climate change, a noble cause, and a very important.

Chris Rock was calling for a change in our culture. He wasn’t just speaking about the racism in Hollywood but racism in popular culture as well. Hollywood reflects pop culture, so it was a call to change pop culture.

The question is, is this call to change going to be heeded by our culture. Or will the wheels keep turn at the same rate and pace. Are these signs that change is coming?

All questions next year’s Oscars might answer.

Taft College’s Very Own Speed Racer

Despite the rain, the drivers took the take.

Despite the rain, the drivers took the take.


By Veronica Renaker


You don’t have to look very far to find Taft College’s very own “Speed Racer,” just right around the corner!
Exhaust roaring with 700 horse power on a stock block engine, TC student Cameron Brown is your go-to-man if you’re ever itching for a need for speed!
Among the numerous speed events that Cameron enjoys participating in, he found himself whizzing around Buttonwillow Raceway fairly recently. Luckily I made it out to the event to see just how far the limits were pushed in these incredible track-ready cars. For specifics on his cars and track times, check out his Youtube channel 370zForme

In a question and answer session:

Reporter: What attributed to your passion for driving?

Brown: “When I first watched Fast and Furious I wanted the 350z that was in the movie. I ended up eventually getting the car and I immediately wanted to drive it fast.
“I learned more about cars throughout the years and I eventually sold it for my Evo X. I took racing classes at Bondurant Racing School and eventually bought my M3 and built it as a full purpose track car.”

Reporter: What advice would you give for those who want to take up the challenge of driving a high horse-power-car?

Brown: “You cannot be afraid because if you are, you can definitely cause accidents to happen. Be confident, not overly confident.”

Reporter: Has your tracking experience helped your driving performance on the streets?

Brown: “Yes. I have had to dodge tires, dodge people, drive efficiently in the rain, know the limits of my car, know how to handle abs brakes. Things like that.”

Reporter: What is the hardest technique that you’ve had to learn?

Brown: “Heel toe down shifting. Which is breaking and hitting the gas at the same time, while pushing in the clutch to change to a lower gear at the same time; essentially using all three peddles at the same time.”

Reporter: What is your favorite track to race on?

Brown: “That’s actually a good question. I think I like the Bondurant track the best. It’s a good combination of turns and obstacles.”

Reporter: Where do you think you can improve?

Brown: “I think that I could improve in carrying more speed into turns.”

Reporter: What’s the fastest car you have ever been in?

Brown: “My car. 700HP Evo X.”

Reporter: Describe the feeling you get behind the power, how do people react?

Brown: “People scream a lot, they usually reach for anything that they can hold on to. It definitely pulls you back in the seat. That’s for sure.”



One of the beauties visiting Buttonwillow

Cameron Brown cracking his BMW E46 M3 on Buttonwillow's Raceway.

Cameron Brown cracking his BMW E46 M3 on Buttonwillow’s Raceway.


Which would you choose? After a long day the drivers took a break. Helmets are a must! Clearly safety is first.



Man That Would Be So Kanye

By Cameron Hertzog

life of pablo

“The Life of Pablo,” dropped exclusively on the music streaming site Tidal and Kanye West’s Website on Feb.  14.

It is Kanye’s sort of Valentine’s Day gift to the world. “The Life of Pablo” is Kanye West’s seventh album, and it has been called perhaps his best album. Maybe that is true. But that depends on which Kanye you think is the best: the old Kanye or the New Kanye.

“The Life of Pablo” is more the “new” Kanye. It is Kanye the producer, Kanye the fashion designer and as he puts it himself in his track “I love Kanye,” “the bad mood Kanye.”

As you go through the album track by track, however you are taken one step closer to Kanye the person. Each track has a sort of rawness to it, a sort of self-actualization.

The album has very obvious gospel influences, especially with the first track “Ultralight Beam,” featuring the up and coming artist, Chance the Rapper. The track has so many layers and curves and waves to it, it is the perfect introduction to the album.

It is a track with soul “and the bars so hard, there is no gosh-darn part you can’t tweet,” as put in the song, and rapped by Chance.

The album features other great artists like Rihanna and Kendrick Lamar, Kendrick being perhaps the most talent rapper in hip-hop/rap artist at the moment. Surprisingly however, there is no Jay-Z featured. Perhaps the new Kanye is more in line with the styles of Rihanna, Kendrick and Chance. They are the self-aware rappers who rap about social issues.

However, none of the tracks on this album really are about social issues, rather Kanye’s issues. With this album he has switched to a different vein of hip-hop culture. Perhaps it is the vein where we find the “new” Kanye.

There are certainly parts of the “old” Kanye in many of the tracks, but Kayne has put art in his music.

Whether or not you are a fan of Kanye as a person doesn’t really matter in this album. This album isn’t about liking Kanye, it’s about the evolution of hip-hop and rap, and where this vein of pop-culture is at the moment.

I have to give Kanye some credit, it can’t be easy always being scrutinized and being millions in debt and still coming out with a landmark album.

At the end of the day, he is still Kanye.


Zoolander 2 or Zoolander Poo?

movie poster


By Emily Davis

The film Zoolander 2 catches up with former male models Derik Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and Hansel (Owen Wilson) after 15 years of being in seclusion.

Once the “really, really ridiculously good looking”  models travel to Rome for what they believe is to be their way back into the world of modeling, they discover that it is a trap set by the villain Mugatu (Will Ferrell).

As a lover of the original Zoolander, I had very high hopes for this sequel. Going into the theater, I was expecting to see a movie that was so foolish it was funny.

Zoolander 2 was the opposite of what I expected. The jokes were terrible and the references were offensive. I was fully expecting this film to poke fun and make silly references towards pop culture but Zoolander 2 went a little too far.

There were negative references towards obesity, sexuality, and, above all else, the Bible. As I was watching this film, I reluctantly shook the references to obesity and sexuality off my shoulders. But as a person of faith, I could not do the same for the biblical references.

The worst part about this film was that the biblical references were a large part of the storyline. Throughout the duration of the film, I came very close to walking out of the theater multiple times.

The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I spent money to watch this film. With all that being said, I would not recommend Zoolander 2 to anyone and instead, would direct movie goer’s towards any other film playing at the theater.


Financial Aid Workshop


Joanne Dumbrigue helps a student apply for financial aid.


By Sandra Merino

It is the time of the year where students are getting ready to fill out their FASFA applications. There are workshops that are being held for students who don’t know how to fill out their applications. Joanne Dumbrigue is running the workshops. The dates of the workshops are as follows: February 5, 11:30-12:00 pm, February 10, 3:00- 4:00pm, February 23 6:00pm- 7:00pm, February 29 11:00-12:00pm, March 1st 10:00- 11:00am, March 2nd 2:00- 3:00 pm.


Joanne Dumbrigue mentioned, “Not all students qualify for financial aid due to their parents’ high income;  however, students should not be distraught because there are other ways to pay for their schooling.” The Financial Aid Office provides scholarships and grants for students that don’t qualify for financial aid.  Dumbrigue stated, “There is the Board of Governors Fee Waiver (BOG) which covers the student’s whole tuition at Taft College.” Students have to be a full time student at Taft College and maintain a 2.0 grade point average in order to qualify For the BOG Waiver.”


Difference Between The Dream Act and FASFA

The Dream Act application is only for undocumented students who want to pursue their education. The Dream Act Application only covers their tuition; therefore, students do not get financial aid money or money for their books. While on the other hand, FASFA is only for students who are citizens and residents in California. Their tuition gets covered, and they receive money to cover their schooling.


Last Day to Submit the FASFA or Dream Act Application

March 2nd is the due date to submit  financial aid application. However, the Financial Aid Office will still be receiving applications after the due dates. There will still be workshops available after the due date.  Dumbrigue mentioned, “I encourage students to fill out their application as soon as possible.”


Materials Needed To Complete the Application

First, students must create a user name and password to start an application. Students need their Social Security number, W-2 forms from parents, federal tax information. If students file taxes independently,  they need their W-2 forms as well.


Financial Aid Disqualification

Students can get their financial aid taken away if he or she fails any  classes. If a student does not maintain a 2. 0 grade point average, then they will be disqualified to receive any other help such as the BOG Waiver.


Dumbrigue mentions, “I encourage students to ask for help and if they have any questions to go to  the Financial Aid Office. Financial aid provides help for those who want to have an education and be successful in life.”