Students cover Bakersfield Business Conference
Black Gold Staff
Two Taft College journalism students had the opportunity to attend the premier business conference of the country and cover the event. The conference was held at California State University, Bakersfield Saturday, October 9.
The two TC students, Alberto Muro and Veronica Renaker, received press passes as would any other media person, which allowed access to the facility and the Main Tent. They were also allowed access to the Press Tent where most of the speakers appeared to answer questions from the media.
Both student reporters were amazed with the sold out event which also included an all-day Honkey Tonk featuring live country western music, a Farmer’s Market featuring local fresh produce, a carousel, Sport Tent, and ice cream bar. But the main attraction to both students was the speakers. Muro, third semester journalism student and editor of the Cougar Echo Online, said, “This is the first time attending the BBC, and it enlightened me in politics and business ethics. I admired Magic Johnson’s talk not only as an entrepreneur but as a peacekeeper to ease tension in the audience.”
Renaker, a second semester journalism student, couldn’t get over how close she could get to all the famous people and how amazed she was at what they had to say and how they inspired the attendees. She, when asked about the conference, said, “I thought it was phenomenal. I loved the Carville and Coulter debate. It was an incredible experience being up close and personal with the speakers. I am looking forward to the conference’s return so I will be able to bring my loved ones who would adore such a spectacular event. Thank you, Brandon Martin, for so graciously giving us the opportunity to attend this year’s Bakersfield Business Conference as aspiring journalists from Taft College.”
The event is sponsored by the law firm of Borton, Petrini, LLP. George Martin, a member of the firm who helped start the conference 30 years ago, was the Master of Ceremonies introducing the well-known speakers appearing in the Main Speaker Tent. His son, Brandon, Communications Director for the conference, in an email wrote that he had fond memories of covering events when he was in college and how he wanted to give that chance to others.
Attendees were treated to such speakers as Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Lou Holtz, Laura Ingraham, Bobby Jindal, Magic Johnson, Diane Keaton, Wayne LaPierre, Rick Perry, Cal Thomas, Allen West, and many more. Some spoke in the Main Speaker Tent while others spoke in the Political Tent. The event at one time was held every year, but a few years ago, it was changed to every five years.
The crowd was also treated to a debate between James Carville and Ann Coulter, one very liberal, one very conservative. Carville wanted to say hello to the Democrats at the conference, “all ten of you.” The conference has a tradition of surprise guests at the end. This year was no different with the first being Leroy Petry, Medal of Honor recipient for his actions in Afghanistan, second, Army Captain Dan Quinn who disobeyed Army policy to help an Afghan boy ending his career in the army, and the last, Captain Richard Phillips, the subject of the recent Tom Hanks film Captain Phillips who was captured by Somali pirates and rescued by Navy Seals—three American heroes.