Turn It In


Requesting New Account

  • Instructor sends request for a new account for the Turnitin online software to Dan Hall, Distance Education Coordinator. Prefer email.
  • The Integrated Technology Support Technician will email the instructor the information and links needed to create new account.
  • Instructor will need to go to the Turnitin website to create new account.

a. Go to http://turnitin.com/static/index.html

i. Also accessible via our online Databases/Research Room https://archive.taftcollege.edu/library/Dblist4.shtml

b. To join the Taft College account, under the section “Help with Turnitin”, you will find “Instructor F.A.Q”. There is a link titled “How do I join an account?” Click on that link and follow the instructions.

NOTE: The instructor accounts are created by the instructors themselves. Once they have created their accounts, then they are able to join the Taft College Account.

Deactivating Account

  • Instructor sends request for account be deactivated in the Turnitin online software to Dan Hall, Distance Education Coordinator. Prefer email for documentation.

NOTE: Instructors who have been removed from an account will no longer have access to the classes they created while part of the account. If the instructor is later re-added to the account under the same e-mail address, the Turnitin help desk can be contacted to reinstate the lost classes.