Faculty Evaluations

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Procedure for Evaluation of Contract Faculty

Tenure track contract faculty members shall be evaluated annually during the first four years of employment. Each contract faculty member will be evaluated in each area of contract responsibility. All evaluations will be conducted during the fall semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Spring evaluations will only take place with prior approval by the Supervising Administrator.

The evaluations shall include:

Teaching Faculty Non-Teaching Faculty Non-Counselor Non-Teaching Faculty Counselor
Curriculum Packet
Peer and Supervising Administrator Observations Peer and Supervising Administrator Observations Peer and Supervising Administrator Observations
Director of Distance Learning observation (if applicable)
Student Evaluations Student Evaluations
Self Evaluation Self Evaluation Self Evaluation
Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation
Supervising Administrator Evaluation Supervising Administrator Evaluation Supervising Administrator Evaluation

Procedure for Evaluation of Non-tenure Track Faculty

Non-tenure track contract faculty members shall be evaluated annually for the duration of employment. Each contract faculty member will be evaluated in each area of contract responsibility. All evaluations will be conducted during the fall semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Spring evaluations will only take place with prior approval by the Supervising Administrator. Forms will be the same as the other contract faculty members. (Please see above).

Procedure for Evaluation of Tenured Faculty

Tenured faculty members (professor) shall be evaluated every third year upon attaining tenure. Each professor will be evaluated in each area of contract responsibility. All evaluations will be conducted during the fall semester unless there are extenuating circumstances.

The evaluations shall include:

Tenured Faculty(Professor)
Student Evaluations (if applicable)
Self Evaluation
Peer Evaluation and Statement of Compliance
Supervising Administrator Evaluation Meeting

Procedure for Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty and Counselors

Adjunct faculty members shall be evaluated for a minimum of one class section per discipline for the first two semesters of teaching. From the third semester onward, if any new disciplines are taught, the Adjunct Faculty member shall be evaluated a minimum of one class section per discipline.  After the first two semesters, the Adjunct Faculty member shall be evaluated a minimum of once every third calendar year of teaching.

Adjunct Counselors shall be evaluated for a minimum of one counseling session for the first two semesters of counseling. From the third semester onward, if working in a new or different program, the Adjunct Counselor shall be evaluated a minimum of one counseling session in the new or different program. After the first two semesters, the Adjunct Counselor shall be evaluated a minimum of once every third calendar year for the duration of employment.

The evaluations shall include:

Teaching Adjunct Faculty Non-Teaching Adjunct Counselor
Curriculum Packet
Division Chair (or designee) and Supervising Administrator (or designee) Observations Division Chair (or designee) and Supervising Administrator (or designee) Observations
Director of Distance Learning Observation (if applicable)
Student Evaluations Student Evaluations
Division Chair (or designee) Evaluation and Division Chair Recommendation Division Chair (or designee) Evaluation and Division Chair Recommendation
Supervising Administrator (or designee) Evaluation & Supervising Administrator Recommendation Supervising Administrator (or designee) Evaluation &  Supervising Administrator Recommendation


  • All forms can be found here.