In-Service 55720
Offering Classes Under Flexible Calendar; Accountability of Employees Under Contract for 175 Days; Activities.(a) Subject to the approval of the Chancellor pursuant to section 55724, a community college district may designate an amount of time in each fiscal year for employees to conduct staff, student, and instructional improvement activities. These activities may be conducted at any time during the fiscal year. The time designated for these activities shall be known as “flexible time.”(b) A district with an approved flexible calendar may designate as flexible time for an employee not more than 8.57 percent of that employee’s contractual obligation for hours of classroom instruction which are eligible for state apportionments in that academic year, exclusive of any intersessions.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 66700, 70901 and 84890, Education Code. Reference: Sections 70901 and 84890, Education Code.
Flex Days
The purpose of the flexible calendar program is to provide time for faculty to participate in development activities that are related to “staff, student, and instructional improvement” (title 5, section 55720). The flexible calendar program is a component of the staff development program and the major vehicle for faculty participation in development activities.
Flexible calendar days, or flex days, are days or hours when faculty engage in a professional activity during non‐work hours and during in-service days. Flex guidelines as approved by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office can be found linked to:
Examples of types of activities that may apply are: conference attendance, special classes, presentations, or faculty workshops. In some cases, summer travel may apply as well. Flex days are not automatically granted and must be pre-approved.
Approval of Flex activities is secured by sending a memo describing the activity and the number of hours proposed for credit to the Vice President of Instruction.
Flex days (or hours) may not be used in lieu of required division or in-service meetings. Sick leave or personal necessity leave must be used to account for missed required meetings.
Faculty should note the intention to utilize flex days on the “Non‐Instructional Days Contract” which is distributed prior to each upcoming in‐service schedule.
The Instructional Assistant keeps an accounting of all approved substitution (flex) days. Faculty should note the intention to utilize substitution days on the “Non-Instructional Days Project Form,” which is distributed prior to each upcoming non-instructional days schedule.