All purchases must have prior approval by the Vice President of Instruction.
Prior approval is required for all purchases. To make a purchase, fill out a Source Requisition and submit it to the Office of Instruction either electronically to instruction@taftcollege.edu or in person. Adjuncts will require their division chair’s approval before submitting. Once the requisition is approved, you will receive an approval email with a purchase order number to attach to the order when being placed (faculty place their own orders). This process is required so that the requisition can be referenced when the invoice comes in the mail. Invoices are processed by the Office of Instruction.
Checks take about 30 days to completely process through Taft College’s Banner system and through the County.
Full-time faculty members each have their own Office Depot accounts to order supplies from. Office Depot orders take usually between 1-5 days to process and are next day delivery once processed. Please use https://odpbusiness.com/ to login. Once you are ready to check out, click CHECKOUT. In the PO field, please place your name and click SUBMIT. This sends Instructional Support Services an email to begin processing the request. You will receive a confirmation email once the order has been released.
Prior to purchasing an item yourself, please submit a Source Requisition to The Office of Instruction either electronically to instruction@taftcollege.edu or in person. Once the requisition is approved, you will receive an approval email with a purchase order number. Once the item is purchased, please submit an Expense Reimbursement Claim Form with original receipts to The Office of Instruction. Please provide the purchase order number with all forms.
For all adjuncts, purchases require a Source Requisition and approval from their division chair to use division funds. After division approval, please submit the requisition to The Office of Instruction for processing. An email will be sent to the requester with a copy of the approved source requisition attached. The requester will take the confirmed form with them to the Bookstore and proceed with the order. Please bring all receipts to the Office of Instruction.
CTE Perkins Requirements
Perkins requires special forms when requesting funding. These forms correlate exactly with reporting requirements. Please use this form when requesting Perkins funding.
Other Forms: