Sabbatical Leave

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The below language from the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement details the procedure for sabbatical leave and compensation as approved by the Board of Trustees on April 9, 2014.

5.9.1    Purpose

The purpose of sabbatical leave is for the faculty member to focus on travel or study that will strengthen the contribution that a faculty member makes to students, the institution, and in support of the mission of the District.

5.9.2    Eligibility

Faculty members who have served the District full-time for a period of six (6) consecutive years for each leave are eligible.

5.9.3    Leave Period

Sabbatical leave may be granted for a period of not less than one (1) semester nor more than two (2) semesters. A sabbatical leave shall fall within the semester dates as indicated on the District calendar.

5.9.4    Compensation

Compensation during the period of approved leave will be one hundred Percent (100%) of salary, plus benefits for a one semester leave, or fifty percent (50%) of salary, plus benefits for a two (2) semester leave. Compensation shall be paid in the same manner as if the unit member were on regular duty with the District.

5.9.5    Service

Leave qualifies as service to the District.

5.9.6    Liability

The District shall be free from any liability for the payment of any compensation of, or on behalf of, damages in case of death or injury or illness of an employee while on sabbatical leave.

5.9.8    Timeline

At the beginning of each academic year, the Superintendent/President will announce the number of potential faculty sabbaticals to be offered, if any, in the following academic year. By the end of the Spring In-service, faculty members will submit written sabbatical leave proposals for the following academic year to the AEER Committee for evaluation. The Superintendent/President will forward recommendations to the Board of Trustees in the February Meeting of the Board. The decision of the Board of Trustees will be rendered no later than the March Board Meeting. If sabbatical leave is approved, the faculty member will sign a sabbatical leave Certification by April 1. If sabbatical is denied, the faculty member has the option to schedule a meeting with AEER Committee to ascertain why it was denied.

5.9.9    Rescission

A sabbatical leave may be rescinded by the employee no later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the start of the semester(s) for which the leave is scheduled.

5.9.10 Return

Faculty member has guaranteed return to position. Faculty who are granted leaves for retraining to fill specific staffing needs may be reassigned.  Upon return, and as per leave certification, the member agrees to serve the District for a minimum of twice the period of leave.

5.9.11  Report

The faculty member submits a written final sabbatical leave report to the AEER Committee by the first day of in-service following the leave. The AEER Committee will review the material presented and make a determination as to whether the terms of the sabbatical leave have been met.  If accepted, the written report is disseminated to the college community including the Academic Senate. Separate oral presentations of the report are made by the faculty member District-wide during in-service, and to the Board of Trustees.

5.9.12 Penalty

The faculty member agrees to repay monies paid for the sabbatical leave in the event that the AEER determines that the obligations of the leave have not been met.

Failure to complete an approved sabbatical project, including the required report, shall result in complete reimbursement or reduction of reimbursement of sabbatical compensation as determined by the Superintendent/President or designee.

5.9.13 Waiver

The Superintendent/President or designee shall have the right to waive any provision of this agreement regarding sabbatical leaves providing it is in the best interest of both the District and the faculty member.