UC-Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)

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Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG)

TAG (Transfer Admissions Guarantee) participants enter into a contract with the receiving UC campus that specifies the requirements that these students must satisfy for admission while at the community college. The program provides eligible students GUARANTEED admission to the UC campus’ college and academic term of choice, but not necessarily for impacted majors.

Taft College has TAG with the following schools:

  • UC Davis
  • UC Irvine
  • UC Merced
  • UC Riverside
  • UC Santa Barbara
  • UC Santa Cruz
    TAG (Transfer Admissions Guarantee) participants enter into a contract with the receiving UC campus that specifies the requirements that these students must satisfy for admission while at the community college. The program provides eligible students GUARANTEED admission to the UC campus’ college and academic term of choice, but not necessarily for impacted majors. Taft College also has a Transfer Admissions Agreement (TAA) with  University of LaVerne.

You can start putting information into your TAG by creating a UC Transfer Planner at uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu.

1. Students fill out an online TAG application and review it with you and/or a UC campus TAG adviser.

2. When the TAG is approved, students must then fulfill all remaining coursework and GPA requirements in their TAG agreement.

3. Finally, students apply for admission to UC during the appropriate filing period.

Key dates and deadlines

Sept. 1–30: Submit your TAG

Nov. 1–30: Submit your UC application for undergraduate admission

For more information about TAG/TAA

Students seeking a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) with one of the six participating campuses (UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz) may apply using the online planner. Students must satisfactorily complete UC and campus-specific transfer admission requirements to be eligible for a TAG. More information on TAGs can be found in the TAG section of the planner

TAG Matrix