Entrance Criteria

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Entrance Criteria


Applicants for the program are selected from referrals made primarily by California Regional Centers. Guidelines for making a referral are available in the TIL Application packet (#9) or from TIL Intake.

The following criteria are used to determine acceptance of a student into the program:

The applicant must…

  1. be over 18 years of age
  2. meet Regional Center criteria.
  3. be able to function without attendant care.
  4. have completed a high school or learning resource program.
  5. not have a current or chronic history of arrest or probation.
  6. be exempt from current or chronic history of inflicting physical harm to him/herself or others.
  7. be free of any medical condition that is communicable by casual contact.
  8. have an income equivalent to SSI’s minimum rate for independent living.
  9. give written consent to inform and include parents with issues posing a threat to independent living.
  10. agree to attend and participate in the Taft College Career Education program and required classes.
  11. possess self-help skills and be able to safely function in his/her own dormitory without direct supervision during non-program hours.
  12. express desire to participate in the program. He/she must be motivated to live independently, agree to the time frame of the program hours, agree to honor the TIL rules and to participate in training and instruction during those hours.
  13. recognize that upon acceptance all students are on a probationary status until successful completion of one semester.The pre-screening committee must agree that:review of required intake information indicates the program to be educationally appropriate and the least restrictive environment for the applicant.
  14. review of required intake information indicates the applicant’s individual needs can be appropriately served by the program staff and/or community resources.