Taft College Testing

Taft College  >  Testing Center  >  Testing Services  >  Taft College Testing

Academic Honesty

Personal commitment, honest work, and honest achievement are necessary characteristics for an educated person. Dishonesty is unacceptable in all academic environments. Instances of academic dishonesty of any kind—using unauthorized materials, sharing information with another tester, using technology inappropriately, misrepresenting oneself as someone else, or any other method—will be reported to the instructor immediately. For more information on academic honesty and standards of student conduct, please refer to the Taft College Catalog and Student Handbook.


Schedule an exam

Walk-ins are welcome. Students may also contact the Testing Center to schedule an appointment to take a proctored exam.

You can schedule your exam by the following:

1) In person at the Testing Center

2) Email: tctestcenter@taftcollege.edu

3) Phone: (661) 763-7783 (Please leave a message and we will return your call)

4) Fax: (661) 763-7749


Extended Proctoring Services

Taft College Testing Center offers proctoring services to students enrolled in other colleges and universities.


Cost and Proctoring Fees

Cost varies by exam. Proctoring fees for extended proctoring services are $20.00 per exam.


Rules and Regulations

  • NO cell phones, IPods, mp3 players, or other electronic device(s) allowed in the Testing Center. Please put your cell phones on silent and stow it in your backpack/purse and store it under the table or at the front of the room along with any books or other personal items.
  • No children in the Testing Center
  • No food or drink allowed in the Testing Center
  • You will be monitored by video surveillance while testing


Unless otherwise indicated by your instructor, you must complete the test in one sitting.

Please respect others by remaining quiet while testing.



Testing accommodations will be provided to students that have an accommodations card, and present the card to the Testing Center staff.


Information/Items Needed To Test

Photo Identification– Students must show a photo ID in order to take a test, and will be asked to do so every time they test. This can be any form of ID as long as it displays your picture and full name. Always be prepared to present your ID even if you are sure that the proctoring staff knows who you are.

Name of your Instructor

Course Abbreviation and 4-digit Course Number– Example: HIST 2231

Test Name or Number– Example: Chapter 1 Quiz or Unit 2 Exam

Other Items needed, or as Requested by your Instructor– It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of what items they will need to take a specific test such as a pencil, scantron, bluebook, calculator, etc. This information can be found in the class syllabus or by contacting your instructor prior to the test date. These items can be purchased at the Taft College Bookstore; however, in an effort to help avoid testing delays scantrons can be purchased in the Testing Center for a minimal fee. If scratch paper is needed for an exam it will be supplied by the proctoring staff. All scratch paper must be turned in with the exam.

Please be aware of the test proctoring hours before your test day. All tests are collected at the end times posted on the schedule so be sure to arrive with sufficient time to complete your test.


Submitting Homework Assignments

TO ENSURE PROPER FILING please organize and/or staple homework assignments and be sure your name and your instructors name is written at the top of the first page. This will ensure that your work is filed in the correct completed work folder of the specified instructor. All submitted work will be date and time stamped.

GRADED WORK: Some instructors will return graded work to the Testing Center for their students to pick up at their convenience. All graded work will be held for the duration of the current semester.

Policy and Procedures- Faculty

Although we strive to excel at this, overwrites are inevitable. In order to minimize overwrites, errors, or delays, we respectfully request all policies and procedures be followed.

Test Location: Each Taft College instructor will have their own file located in the Testing Center’s faculty filing cabinets. Here you may place tests that need proctoring and/or other materials you would like to be given to your students. Within your file you will find a “Completed Work” folder where all completed tests and homework assignments will be placed to await pickup by you or someone authorized by you.

Submitting an Exam: As an instructor you may put your exam in your folder to be proctored, or send the test electronically; all tests must be accompanied by a Test Instruction Form. Due to copying limitations we ask that an adequate number of copies to cover all students taking tests be provided by the instructor. Distance Education Adjunct Faculty that does not visit the Taft College campus can submit their tests for proctoring via email along with an electronic version of the completed Test Instruction Form. Those who prefer to send their test electronically please submit your electronic test and test instruction form to tctestcenter@taftcollege.edu.

Test Instruction Form: All tests must be accompanied by a test instruction form completed by the instructor. This form includes details about how the test is to be proctored. Tests received without this form will not be administered and will be returned to the instructor. Test instruction forms are available in the testing center, or a digital copy can be emailed to you upon request.

Make-up Tests: For make-up tests, please provide a test instruction form along with a list of names of those students allowed to make up the test. There is room at the bottom of the test instruction form to write their names. Only one test instruction form is needed, but please provide enough copies of the test to accommodate all of the students on the list.


Picking up Completed Tests and Homework

Instructors are responsible for picking up all completed tests and homework. To help ease congestion, please remove all tests that have not been completed from your file once the test deadline has passed and/or at the end of each semester.

Completed Work: Faculty please remember to check your completed work folder often; especially during the last week of the semester and again before submitting grades. Everyone is busy during this time and it is easy to forget to check for last minute student work.

Distance Education Adjunct Faculty: If you are Distance Learning Adjunct Faculty and will not be visiting the campus in person, please contact the Testing Center and make arrangements to have your students’ completed work mailed to you. In addition, please indicate on your test instruction form that you are requesting this service.

Testing Log: The proctoring staff keeps a log of every test that is proctored in the facility. This log includes the student’s name, instructor’s name, course name, the test the student is taking (Ch. 1, Unit III, Midterm, etc.), the test start time, the test end time, and the initials of the staff person responsible for giving the test as well as collecting the completed test. All tests are date and time-stamped when completed, and upon request by the instructor (see test instruction form) will be stamped when the student begins the test. Faculty members are free to examine the testing log at any time.

Academic Honesty: If a proctoring staff member suspects that a student is cheating on a test they will make every possible effort to positively confirm their suspicions before confronting the student. At which time they will confiscate the item (cheat sheet, cell phone, etc.) but allow the student to finish the test while the staff member attempts to contact the instructor. If the instructor is unavailable the staff member will complete an incident report explaining the details of the situation and attach it to the completed test. The instructor can then decide how to handle the situation.

Video Surveillance:   In order to deter academic dishonesty, the Testing Center is equipped with a surveillance system. There are signs throughout the center announcing this practice.

Noise Level: The Testing Center will make every effort to ensure that the testing environment is ideal while students are taking their test; however, if distractions become a problem we have private rooms (upon availability), as well as ear plugs for student’s convenience.